Produção Discente - 2016
  1. Amaral, B.; Saito, J. H. (2016) Reconhecimento de Fala Aplicado aos Sinais Extraídos de Misturas de Fontes no Desenvolvimento de SAPDA, Anais do XIII Workshop de Computação da Faccamp (WCF 2016), Campo Limpo Paulista, SP, pp. 58-62. (QUALIS S/Q).

  2. Araujo, R. J.; Reis, J. C.; Bonacin, R. (2016) Ontology-based adaptive interfaces for colorblind users, In: 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2016), Toronto, Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Methods, Techniques, and Best Practices, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 9737, pp. 27-37. (QUALIS B2, 2012).

  3. Camargos, R. C.; Nietto, P.R.; Nicoletti, M. C. (2016) Agglomerative and divisive approaches to unsupervised learning in Gestalt clusters, In: Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2016), Porto, Portugal, pp. 35-44. (QUALIS B1, 2013-2014-2015).

  4. Camargos, R.C.; Nicoletti, M. C. (2016) Three case studies using agglomerative clusterings, In: Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2016), Porto, Portugal, pp. 67-76. (QUALIS B1, 2013-2014-2015).

  5. Cruz, J. R. U.; Rodrigues, W. B. (2016) Objetos de aprendizagem moveis: Uma análise de requisitos funcionais para auxiliar os desenvolvedores, In: Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE, 2016), Uberlândia, Brasil, pp. 150-159. (QUALIS B2, 2013-2014-2015).

  6. Dos Reis, J. C.; Bonacin, R.; Perciani, E. M. (2016) Intention-based information retrieval of electronic health records, In: Proc. of the 2016 IEEE 25th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE, 2016), Paris, França, pp. 217-222. (QUALIS B1, 2013-2014-2015).

  7. Dos Reis, J. C.; Bonacin, R.; Perciani, E. M.; Baranauskas, M.C.C. (2016) Analysis and representation of illocutions from electronic health records, In: Proc. of the International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2016), Campinas. Socially Aware Organisations and Technologies. Impact and Challenges (series IFIP), v. 447, pp. 209-218. (QUALIS S/Q).

  8. Baranauskas, M. C. C.; Dos Reis, J. C.; Jensen, C.; Bonacin, R.; Hornung, H. H. (2016) Expressive icons for the communication of intentions, In: Proc, of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016), Roma, Itália, pp. 388-399. (QUALIS B2, 2013-2014-2015).

  9. Evangelista, R. C.; Mascarenhas, N. D. A. (2016) Abordagens Bayesianas não-locais para filtragem de ruído Poisson utilizando distâncias estocásticas, In: Anais do XII Workshop de Computação da Faccamp, C. Limpo Paulista, SP, pp. 63-67. (QUALIS S/Q).

  10. Fernandes, F. S.; Yero, E. J. H. (2016) Parallel relational databases for diameter calculation of large graphs, In: Proc. of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 2016), Las Vegas, USA, pp. 213-222. (QUALIS B5, 2013-2014-2015).

  11. Filho, F. S. B.; Yero, E. J. H. (2016) Exact vs. approximated diameter calculation in large graphs, In: Proc. of the 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network Based Processing (PDP 2016), Heraklion, Greece, pp. 256-263. (QUALIS A2, 2013-2014-2015).

  12. Frerreira, M. A. M.; Bueno, J.; Bonacin, R. (2016) Encouraging the learning of written language by deaf users: Web recommendations and practices, In: Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2016), Toronto. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Context Diversity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 9739, pp. 3-15. (QUALIS B2, 2012).

  13. Grégio, A.; Bonacin, R.; De Marchi, A. C.; Nabuco, O.F.; De Geus, P. L. (2016) An ontology of suspicious software behavior, Applied Ontology, v. 11, pp. 29-49, (QUALIS B1, 2013-2014-2015).

  14. Guimarães, M. P.; Scamati, V. ; Popolin Neto, M. ; Martins, V. F. ; Dias, D. R. C. ; Brega, J. R. F. (2016) A process-scheduling simulator based on virtual reality technology, In: Proc, of the 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Agadir. v. 1. pp. 1-6. (QUALIS B2, 2013-2014-2015).

  15. Martins de Sousa, V.; del Val Cura, L. M. (2016) Modelagem lógica para bancos de dados NoSQL: uma revisão sistemática, Anais do XII Workshop de Computação da Faccamp (XII WCF), Campo Limpo Paulista, SP, pp. 32-39. (QUALIS S/Q).

  16. Nietto, P. R.; Nicoletti, M. C. (2016) Estimating the number of clusters as a pre-processing step to unsupervised learning, In: Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2016), Porto, Portugal, pp. 25-34. (QUALIS B1, 2013-2014-2015).

  17. Oliveira, A. F. de; Nicoletti, M. C. (2016) Favorecendo o desempenho do k-Means via métodos de Inicialização de centroides de grupos, Anais do XIII Workshop de Computação da Faccamp (WCF 2016), Campo Limpo Paulista, SP, pg. 53-57. (QUALIS S/Q).

  18. Oliveira, C. E. A.; Oliveira, O. L. (2016) Visão geral informal da Abd1, uma linguagem para programação de raciocínios abdutivos dirigida a não especialistas em programação lógica, Anais do XIII Workshop de Computação da Faccamp (WCF 2016), Campo Limpo Paulista, SP, pp. 24-31. (QUALIS S/Q).

  19. Oliveira, O. L.; Oliveira, C. E. A.; Martins, R. J.; Matsumoto, M. (2016) A logic programming language designed for the modeling of abductive reasoning in an educational context, In: Proc. of the Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2016), Cancún, México, pp. 1-13. (QUALIS B1, 2013-2014-2015).

  20. Oliveira, F. R.; del Val Cura, L. M. (2016) Performance evaluation of NoSQL multi-model data stores in polyglot persistence applications, In: Proc. of the 20th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2016), Montreal, Canada, pp. 230-235. (QUALIS B2, 2013-2014-2015).

  21. Plovas, R.; Motoyama, S. (2016) A routing technique based on least delay path for medical application networks, In: Proc. of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN 2016), Las Vegas, EUA, pp. 115-120. (QUALIS B5, 2013-2014-2015).

  22. Sampaio, H. V.; Motoyama, S. (2016) Projeto e implementação de um sistema de monitoramento de uma estufa agrícola de larga escala utilizando rede de sensores sem fio, Anais do XII Workshop de Computação da Faccamp (XII WCF), Campo Limpo Paulista, SP, pp 1-8, 2016 (QUALIS S/Q).

  23. Silva Filho, S. S.; Bonacin, R. (2016) Best practices in WebQuest design: stimulating the higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy, In: Proc. of the 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2016), Austin, USA, pp. 391-395. (QUALIS B1, 2013-2014-2015).

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