Habilidades e qualidades de liderança no mundo BANI

Cida Sanches

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Anderson, J. Q., & Rainie, H. (2010). The future of cloud computing (pp. 1-26). Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Bushuyev, S., Piliuhina, K., & Chetin, E. (2023). Transformation of values of the high technology projects from a VUCA to a BANI environment model. Innovative Technologies and Scientific Solutions for Industries, (2 (24)), 191-199.

Cascio, J. (2010). The Potential and Risks of Geoengineering. The Futurist, 44(3), 27.

Gläser, W. (2023). VUCA as a practical model: A commentary. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 12(2), 267-275.

Padmaja, V. (2019). Leading in a VUCA World–The World is changing. International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, 6(1), 207-210. DOI: 10.15587/978-617-7319-71-8.CH4


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