Adoption of drones in pharmaceutical retail: Barriers and facilitators according to the perception of pharmacists

Miriam Christi Midori Oishi Nemoto, Gabriel Maiochi Luiz, Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet, Pedro Hikaru Oishi


Given the pandemic scenario, the need for alternatives for delivering products to the end customer with as little contact as possible was identified. The use of drones would be an option. The study of influencing factors in the adoption of drones in pharmaceutical retail was the main focus of this work. A survey was carried out with a group of pharmacists to identify the perception of barriers and facilitators that influence the adoption of innovation. In this study, the sample universe consisted of pharmacists working in any region of Brazil since the use of drones is still in the process of being adopted and regulated. The adopted methodology was of the quantitative exploratory type. Considering the analysis, it was possible to conclude that the main facilitators are of the endogenous type. That is, they depend on the company. The main barriers are of the exogenous type.

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