Main Initial Difficulties Faced by IoT Startups

Andrea Luisa Bozzo, Henrique De Mello Freitas, Cristina Dai Prá Martens


In this article, we report a successful case of an Internet startup of Things (IoT) and a technology startup. This study follows a qualitative approach and aimed to understand whether or not there are differences between the difficulties faced at the moment of generation of startups of IoT and of startups of other sectors. Given the relevance and timeliness of the IoT theme, this research contributes to the academy seeking to clarify the debate about the existence of differences between the difficulties faced at the time of the creation of IoT startups and other startups. As a result, we have identified that the various barriers to be overcome in the elaboration of the business model by IoT startups pointed out in the academy, are, in fact, pertinent to practically all startups.


IoT, Internet of Things, Startups.

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